Yesterday was the great day of love. The most romantic day of the year. The day when everyone eats chocolate just because and everything is seen through rose colored lenses. And today is my husband’s birthday, he is 22! So this blog is in part for him, and in part for all of you single gals out there waiting on Mr. Right. May this encourage you, inspire you, and strengthen you to wait on, my sisters.

First of all, Happy Birthday to the man of my dreams! To Chris, I love you with all that I am and I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am for your love. You make me better. You keep me sane. You are my best friend and my ally in this life. I celebrate you today for all that you are, and all that you will become.

Yall, I have to take a minute to brag on this man. I love him. I love him because yesterday I turned all of our white towels pink in the laundry and he just laughed with me. I love him because he moved half way across the world with me and learned Spanish with me and gave up everything to follow God’s call on our lives. I love him because he is brave. I love him because He asked me and Jubilee to be his valentines yesterday and because He is going to be such a wonderful daddy. I love him because he puts his hands on my belly and talks to her and tells her how much he loves her. I love him because he never lets me carry anything and I havent opened a door for myself since I met him. He is chivalry incarnate ladies. I love him because he loves my family. Yall, he seriously LOVES my family. He lived with them for 6 months. He is kind to my brother and my sister. He loves them like they are his own. It is the thing that touches my heart the most. I love him because he loves through all of the mess. I love him because he offers my family unconditional love. I love him because he offers it to me. I love him because he loves Jesus so much. Sometimes during worship I look at him and see tears in his eyes. He is compassionate. I love him because he is never afraid. He teaches me to be brave. I love him because he loved me first, he loved me like Jesus does. He continues to love me every day like Jesus does. I love him because he never lets me walk away from a fight and he searches out my heart to know the root of my pain, and then he offers his strength to me, and it is healing. I love him because he makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. I love him because he stands by my side and he never leaves. He is the one who protects me. I love him because we are here in this third world place and I know that I am safe with him, that we are safe with the Lord. I love him because he eats too much ice cream. He snores sometimes. He refuses to eat cucumbers or broccolli but he shares tofu with me. Everything about him is wonderful. I love him because of his strengths and his weaknesses, his flaws and his imperfections, everything that he is. I love him because God created him for me and he is my greatest gift. I love him because every day we are growing together and learning together and changing together. Our bond is the strongest kind, created by the King.

For some of you, Valentines Day was joyful, spent with the one that your soul loves. To you, I say, love on my sisters.

For some of you, Valentines Day was spent with your husbands, and to you, I say, cherish him, honor him, show the world that marriage is beautiful and holy and wonderful. Fight for it. Never give up.

But for others, Valentines Day was lonely, just another reminder that you are alone, and this message is for you. Take heart, dear sisters, that Jesus has the perfect one for you. Take heart that right now, Jesus is the perfect one for you, that He is more than enough to fill the void in your heart, more than enough to give you all of the love that you need. Be strong, sisters, waiting on the one that God has for you. Do not give up, do not give in, do not lower your standards, because you are a daughter of the King and He has his best in store for you. Your heart is His treasure. Your soul is his creation. He is always at battle for your love and affection. Do not be dismayed or discouraged. There are good men, men who love the Lord with all of their heart, men who will love you and your children deeply, men who will honor you and respect you, men who will protect your purity, men who will protect your heart. They are there my dear friends, and they are walking with the King. They may be in your life right now in the form of fathers, friends, brothers. Do not set your heart so much on romance that you miss the incredible blessing of the Godly men who are filling different roles in your life. And remember that our God is a God of romance, a God of love. He knows your heart’s desire, your soul’s longing, and he desires to give you the best and most wonderful love story, the best and most wonderful life. Trust him. And for now, rest in who He is. Let him be the one who romances you. Trust him to send you the right person at the right time and do not strive to find them yourself. Rest.

Be encouraged that love is worth the wait. Your heart is worth the fight. You are dearly beloved by the King of Kings.

You are His own special treasure. ♥


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